Unexcused Absence/Tardy a. Appointment (Non-Specified) b. Traffic/Carpool/No Ride c. Overslept d. Vacation/Out of Town

Excused Absence/Tardy

     a. Personal illness

     b. Death in the immediate family

     c. Medical and Dental appointments

     d. Funerals 

     e. Call to court (student) 

     f. Employment Interview/DMV Appt./Passport Appt.

     g. Religious Event


All other absences/tardies are unexcused and makeup work may not be offered.

Excessive absences/truancies will result in Student Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting with Site Administration.



3 or more unverified full day absences will be considered habitual truancies and parent/guardian will receive a notification of truancy from the District. 



Every student is expected to attend school daily and be on time for class. If a student is absent from class without a valid excuse or leaves class without the teacher’s permission, he/she is considered truant. All absences not cleared by a Dr. note or parent phone call to the attendance office within 72 hours, will be considered truant and the student may be assigned a Saturday School or Tuesday morning detention.


A student may receive no credit for work missed or due on the day of the truancy and make-up work may not be allowed.


Students are expected to arrive on time and ready to learn when the period bell rings. Students who arrive late to school and/or class must report to the Attendance Office to receive an ‘TARDY slip’ to be allowed into the classroom. Students who are late will be charged with a tardy to their attendance record. Please note traffic is not an excused tardy; Unexcused tardy after 30 minutes is considered a period truancy and may result in a Saturday School or Tuesday morning detention.


*Please note that ONLY parents/guardians may excuse tardiness/absences. Tardies received during the school day can ONLY be cleared by the teacher that marked the student Tardy/Absent (via the attendance office).

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