All Visitors to San Marcos High School MUST check-in at the front office with ID. Proof of identification is required to enter campus during school hours.
SMUSD Board Policy 1250; Any person who is not a student or staff
member shall register immediately upon entering any school building or
grounds when school is in session.
Policy for all representatives of post-secondary institutions:
San Marcos High School's visitation policy on all representatives of post-secondary institutions (including but not limited to: college and universities, military, and trade schools), requires a request to be sent at least one week prior to desired visit date AND requires approval from the Coordinator of the Future Center. You must have approval of a visitation to enter school grounds. When approved for a visit, the visit will take place only at lunch time
(12:45PM-1:15PM) in either the Future Center or the Student Union, with a stationary set-up. Representatives are not allowed to walk around the campus and must stay within the designated areas unless otherwise approved.