Research Databases:
EBSCOhost Database- Access Explora, Points of View, History, Science, & Literary Databases
User ID: SMHS Password: K______2024!
Proquest Suite of Databases:
Username: JV747ZECUA
Password: >8UPm8~n
ProQuest Central Student - Millions of articles from more than 10,000 scholarly journals
SIRS Issues Researcher - Curriculum-aligned database of content organized by complex issues
eLibrary - General Reference (periodical & digital media)
CultureGrams - Concise cultural information on countries around the world
ProQuest Research Companion - Information Literacy tools and tutorials
SIRS Discoverer - For novice researchers (can sort by lexile)
School & Educators Complete - Over 12,000 titles to support multiple subject areas
Gale Suite of Databases:
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies - Resources encompassing global issues to science to
world history
Gale Interactive Science - Explore and manipulate
interactive models in Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space Science, and Human Anatomy.
National Geographic Kids - Explore science, nature, wildlife,
culture, geography, archaeology, space, and more