NHS - National Honor Society

National Honor Society was founded in 1921 by The National Association of Secondary School Principals. Today, NHS is a world-wide organization with an estimated one million participants.  Students in NHS demonstrate excellence in their academic pursuits and commitment to their school and community. NHS is founded on the four pillars of academics, leadership, service, and character, and students are expected to uphold these pillars in their daily lives. Chapter membership not only recognizes student accomplishments, but also challenges students to develop their leadership skills. 

Requirements for NHS Members:

- Minimum GPA of 3.5
- Must be a Junior or Senior
- Must uphold the four pillars of academics, leadership, service, and character 
- Once accepted, members must complete community service hours within the academic school year. Seniors are required to complete 50 hours, and Juniors are required to complete 25 hours. 

Application Process:
Students seeking NHS membership must complete the application process during the fall of their Junior or Senior year. Students need to complete the application and submit on or before the given due date. Due dates are updated each fall semester. Applications are then reviewed by a Faculty Committee, and students who are accepted are notified in the fall. 
Note: Seniors who were accepted into NHS last year DO NOT need to reapply.   

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