
a guide to junior year

Welcome back to San Marcos High School! Here is some important information to keep in mind as you work towards graduation:

  • Continue keeping track of any extra-curricular activities, sports, or community service activities that you participate in

  • Plan on taking the SAT and/or ACT tests during your Junior year

  • Begin applying for college scholarships

  • Visit the Future Center to receive the latest news on colleges, community service opportunities, scholarships, and more!

  • FAQs and resources for course selection - incoming seniors.pdf

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Join a club

  • Create your own club (get an application from ASB)

  • Try out for a sport

  • Try out for a play

  • Think about joining Yearbook, leadership, etc.

Graduation Requirements

Cal Grant GPA opt-out information 

In October 2020, the SMHS counseling team will send the GPAs for all SMHS seniors to the California Student Aid Commission. This GPA verification is required to determine eligibility for financial aid (Cal Grant) from the State of California for students who will attend a college or university in California.

Parents/Guardians have the option to opt-out from this process. If you would NOT like your student's GPA sent to the California Student Aid Commission this fall, please contact our counseling secretary, Gwen Smith 760-290-2262 or by email at [email protected].

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