Selected Search Engines
(includes dictionaries and encyclopedias) This is a great place to search for information. It covers information from almanacs (biography, sports, U.S. history & government, world, arts & entertainment, business & finance, society & culture, health & science, weather & climate), a homework center, and Fact Monster (includes information on various subjects - science, math, world & news, sports, people, etc). Author/Publisher: Family Education Network.
Start Spot This is the web site of StartSpot Mediaworks, Inc. It is a great web site that includes so much information and links to other credible resources.
Other Libraries
SMHS Online This site links you to the SMHS Home Page, where students can access the library web site, its OPAC, and online databases; extracurricular school activities; other SMHS resources. Author/Publisher: San Marcos High School.
City of San Diego Public Library Web Site - This site offers links to the City of San Diego Public Library's OPAC, online databases, and much more. If a resource is not available at our school, you can check the public library's website to see if they have the print materials you want and they can reserve them for you. Author/Publisher: San Diego Public Library.
Library of Congress If it has ever been written, this web site has either got it or got a record of it. Check out this site to find out about the Legislature, Copyright, Americana, Exhibitions, their collections and services, and to visit the LOC. Author/Publisher: Library of Congress.
Refdesk Refdesk is a nonprofit web site of that is focused upon “indexing quality Internet sites and assisting visitors in navigating these sites.” This site links you to news headlines, a reference site of the day, facts of the day, online reference sources, help & advice, homework help, and much more. Author/Publisher:
San Diego County Library Visit the San Diego County Library web site and click on eLibrary (at the top) to access online databases. Also, if a resource is not available at our school, you can check the public library's website to see if they have the print materials you want and they can reserve them for you. You need a current library card and the last 4 digits of your phone number to use databases online.
Amazon or Barnes & Noble These commercial sites allow you to search for books and materials in print and offer a few book reviews, prices, and more, about each one. Authors/Publishers: and
Bartleby This site includes tons of reference works, such as a the American Heritage Dictionary, Roget's Thesaurus, Columbia Encyclopedia, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, World Factbook, Gray's Anatomy, and many other useful reference works. Author/Publisher:
Booklist This site reviews books for student reading and includes biographies of authors, interviews, and more. Author/Publisher: American Library Association.
Book Recommendation Sites
American Library Association (ALA) Teen Picks
The Encyclopedia Mythica This site contains an encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, legends, and other related topics. The mythology section covers 23 different cultural mythologies ranging from Aboriginal to Roman with articles and definitions of varying length. Characters or events mentioned within one article are linked to the corresponding full-length article entry. Articles may be submitted by anyone, but there is a long list of contributing editors who verify and edit information accepted for the site. Author/Publisher: M.F. Lindemans, sponsored by Ultimum-IT.
Purdue OWL This site has writing resources and and instructional materials. You can also find comprehensive APA and MLA style guides here. Author/Publisher: Purdue University
For help in creating works cited pages, use the Knightcite citation generator sponsored by Calvin College Hekman Library Author/Publisher: Calvin College.
History, Geography, Current Events, World Facts, Statistics, Law
50 States This site includes nearly all core the information about each state. It is great for reports, research, or just to learn some fun facts. Author/Publisher: Pike Street Industries.
Atlapedia Online This site provides full color physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world. Author/Publisher: Latimer Clarke Corporation Pty Ltd.
Ben's Guide to the US Government for Kids This is a great resource for kids of all ages. It is divided up by grades; kids at different levels of understanding have their own web sites with age appropriate links and information. This is truly a great resource for young people to get to know more about how laws are made, the government, elections, historical documents, and many other law related issues. Author/Publisher: US Government Printing Office. This is a useful site if you need some basic information about a person - date of birth and/or death, nationality, life accomplishments, and what the person is or was known for. Author/Publisher: A&E Television Network.
California Home Page This site includes just about all the information a person might want to know about California. It also includes tons of links, such as links to county and city web sites, forms, licenses, weather, etc. Author/Publisher: State of California.
California Legislative Information If you are studying government, this web site is a great one for you. You can get information about codes, bills, other legislative publications, and links to other legislative sites. Author/Publisher: Legislative Council of the State of California.
CIA World Fact Book This site includes information about countries and territories around the world. Each country's background, geography, government, people, economy, communications, transportation, and military issues are addressed. Author/Publisher: Central Intelligence Agency.
City of San Diego Web Site This site is useful for learning about goings on in the City of San Diego. Although it can be accessed from the California Home Page, you can skip a few steps by clicking here. Author/Publisher: City of San Diego.
Country Studies I Area Handbook This is a great site for users who need an overview of a country. The site contains full text of the most recent volumes of the Country Studies/Area Studies series, covering approximately 100 countries. Each book focuses on a particular foreign country and provides “descriptions and analysis of political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions; examination of the interrelationships of those systems; and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors.” Photographs, maps, and charts from the print versions are added on an ongoing basis, except when the graphic files are not available. You can search all the books (i.e. countries) at once, a combination, or just one. Each book has an extensive table of contents. Author/Publisher: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress.
History Channel This is a great site to learn about any day or topic in history. Similar to the Chase Calendar of Annual Events. Author/Publisher: A&E Television Network.
Life's Top 100 People & Events At this site, you can search Life Magazine for famous and classic cover photographs, pictures of the year, top 100 events of the last 1,000 years, and features from the weekly Life Magazine from 1936 to 1972. Author/Publisher: Time, Inc.
National Geographic Links to history, animals, people & places, news, photography, news, and much more. Author/publisher: National Geographic Society.
Nolo Law This one-stop site for legal information is geared toward the consumer and layperson. The Nolo Legal Encyclopedia and a fairly basic legal dictionary can be found in “Self Help Law Centers”. The “Research Center” has links to the U.S. Constitution and other Federal law sites and information on statutes in all 50 states. On the home page, the user can choose a subject from the guide, do a free-form search, or use the extensive list of suggested keywords. The retrieved information often includes some of the FAQ's as well as useful, abbreviated articles. Links to related articles are also provided. Author/Publisher: Nolo Press.
Uncle Sam's Statistical Abstract of the US This site includes statistics about the United States and can be broken down into state, county, and city statistics. Author/Publisher: US Census Bureau.
U.S. National Archives & Records Administration This the part of the U.S. government that is responsible for preserving and creating access to important historical documents. Original documents can be viewed online. Author/Publisher: National Archives & Records Administration.
The White House This site includes information about the President and the White House; it also has links to other departments and branches of government and includes a section for kids. It includes information on the first lady (and former first ladies), cabinet members, and former presidents. This site also links to the Senate and the House: or Author/Publisher: White House.
Newseum Through a special agreement with more than 800 newspapers worldwide, the Newseum displays these front pages each day on its website. The front pages are in their original, unedited form, and some may contain material that is deemed objectionable to some visitors.
CNN News This site offers both national and international news; it also includes weather, law, politics, sports, business, travel, and more. This is a great site for finding current events online. Author/Publisher: Cable News Network (a Time Warner Company).
New York Times This is a great substitute for an actual newspaper. It gives you updates throughout the day about what is going on in the US and the world. It also allows you to search the archives back to 1980. Author/Publisher: New York Times Company.
MSNBC This is another great news site that allows you to get worldwide and US news as well as local news and weather. Author/Publisher: MSNBC.
San Diego Union Tribune This is the site of the San Diego Union Tribune online, one of San Diego's local newspapers. Author/Publisher: Union Tribune Publishing Company.
Cool Math If you need to know how to do Algebra, Fractions or Decimals, learn at Cool Math. Author/Publisher:
Online conversion This site provides tools to convert almost anything to anything else. Author/Publisher: Robert Fogl.
Chemistry for Kids This site offers information about reactions, elements, atoms, matter, biochemistry and more. Author/Publisher: Andrew Rader Studios.
EnviroLink EnviroLink is a non-profit organization... a grassroots online community that unites hundreds of organizations and volunteers around the world with millions of people in more than 150 countries. EnviroLink is dedicated to providing comprehensive, up-to-date environmental information and news. Covering almost everything about the environment, it provides "the most comprehensive, up-to-date environmental resources available." Author/Publisher: EnviroLink Network, Inc.
Mad Science This is a great science site that offers the science teacher an amazing amount of science resources and the student a great place to link to other sites that are specific to their needs (i.e. physics, zoology, botany, chemistry, etc). Author/Publisher: MadSci Network (Washington University Medical School).
NASA This link gets you to the NASA web site, which also has a link for kids. Anything you ever wanted to know about space you will probably find here. It also has some great pictures. Author/Publisher: National Aeronautics & Space Administration.
USGS Natural Science https://www.usgs.govThis is a great site for kids to get science help, teachers to get lesson plans, or anyone to learn more about natural science. Author/Publisher: US Department of the Interior and US Geological Survey.
Martindale Center's Science & Mathematics Resources This site is great for students, teachers, scientists, and mathematicians. It includes information for physical science, life science, earth science, mathematics, engineering, K-12 science Web Quests, The Reference Desk, online calculators, science discoveries of the 1990, etc. Author/Publisher: Jim Martindale.
Science World & Math World An exceptional resource for Science and Math on the Internet that provides clear explanations of technical subjects intended for students, educators, researchers, and enthusiasts. This site contains comprehensive and interactive encyclopedias on astronomy, chemistry, and physics for scientific knowledge and education. This reference library was assembled as a public service from Wolfram Research. It is continuously updated to include new material and incorporate new discoveries. Links to Math World. Author/Publisher: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Center for Disease Control This is a great site to learn about diseases, health warnings, required vaccinations before traveling, travel advisories (disease related), press releases, current health news, cruise ship ratings, government statistics, data for health, and links to other health related sites. Author/Publisher: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
MedlinePlus This site includes dictionaries (spelling and definitions of medical terms), directories (location and credentials of doctors, dentists, and hospitals), drug information (generic and brand name), health topics (information on conditions, diseases, and wellness, as well as a medical encyclopedia), current health news, other resources (access to organizations, consumer health libraries, international sites, MEDLINE and more), and links (to MEDLINE in Spanish, clinical trial information, and more). Author/Publisher: U.S. National Library of Medicine. Provides free educational information and resources on Healthcare Administration Education
Big Charts For those in business classes, this site allows you to search for business and stock related information. Big Charts offers the following: stock information on markets, industries, and individual companies; price statistics; historical quotes; stock facts such as big picture reports, market reports, big mover reports (i.e. most active; biggest money movers; those with largest %gain/loss in price/volume, ranking by % change in price/volume; broad market overviews, market summaries, and lots more); stock charts for comparing stocks; stock news; quotes; the best/worst performing industries and stocks. Author/Publisher:, Inc (of CBS).
Occupational Outlook Handbook This site is considered an invaluable tool for students and career-changers as well as economists. Close to eight hundred occupations are listed and the following characteristics of each: nature of work, working conditions, employment, training, job outlook, earnings, related occupations, and sources of additional information. Three methods of access are provided: a keyword search, an index to all identified occupations, and occupational clusters. Author/Publisher: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Resources for Certain People
College and Moving Out
Guide for how to put together a high quality college application resume:
SAT Words to know:
Affordable Colleges Online can help you find guides to accreditation and its importance, financial aid and scholarship lists, student support resources and more.
College Affordability Guide brings together disparate bodies of data to produce a more holistic view of which colleges are likely to be the best value for the money. They assign an "Affordability Score" that tells prospective students how much it will cost to get in, get out, and if students are able to repay their student loans.
Accredited Online Colleges you to search through countless accredited schools, based on a variety of criteria, to find the accredited college that best meets your needs.
Home Fair So you are thinking about moving, going away to college, and all that fun stuff. This site can help you understand what costs are involved. Author/Publisher: National Association of Realtors and, Inc.
College Navigator The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) allows you to see a college's profile, web site, catalog, map, and cross-reference. NCES also offers statistics about the school (educational, tuition, crime, enrollment, degrees, etc.), accreditation, and financial aid. You can also search by various factors (enrollment, area, type of institution, distance from area code, etc). Author/Publisher: U.S. Department of Education and Institute of Educational Statistics.
Peterson's Guide to 4 Year Colleges Online This site allows you to do a search for colleges and graduate programs, provides practice tests, and helps with financial aid research (scholarships, loans, etc); study abroad programs, training schools, distance education, and more. College searches provide basic facts and figures about the school (tuition, housing, sports, degrees, etc.). Author/Publisher: Thompson Corporation.
Fun Links
CinemaSpot This web site links to Moviefone, Internet Movie Database,, reviews, people in cinema, genres of movies, various lists & statistics, articles, and much, much more. Author/Publisher:
ESPN Sports For sports fanatics, ESPN has the stats, the rankings, and the news about any sport you need to know more about. Author/Publisher: ESPN Internet Ventures.
How Stuff Works This site helps you understand how just about everything works (airplanes, televisions, cell phones, silencers, etc.) Author/Publisher: HowStuffWorks, Inc.