What's new?

New Chess Games!
Do you enjoy playing chess or would like to learn? We have six new chess boards with triple-weighted pieces. Come in and play any time, or if you would like to learn some new strategies and play against some great players, join us at Chess Club on Fridays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm.

Chess players in the Library

Library Hours 

The Library stays open until 6:00 p.m. each day. Tutors are available, and at 4:00 p.m. students may go outside to receive a snack provided by Knight Zone. Students may also receive tutoring up in Room 265 until 6:00 p.m.


The new library is now open! Thanks to everyone who helped us move.

Library image

A huge thank you to the Assistance League of Escondido, who donated $2,500 to our library!

Pryanka and Angela are showing some of the books from the first shipment that are now available for checkout.

assistance league Books

The Move!

In November & December 2011 we packed up the existing library and over the winter break we moved into our temporary library. Located in Room 401, we continue to host classes throughout the day and are open in the morning, lunch and after school to help students. The computer lab is now in Room 402, and the textbook room is in Room 400.

Interim library 2 Interim Library1

Today's Front Pages

Here is a fun website to try!

Put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up...Double click and the page gets larger...

Then you can either read the pdf version or click through to the paper itself in the upper right corner.


Doodle for Google contest winners

Congratulations to our two finalists whose submissions have been sent to Google.
Lupita Zepeda - Veterinarian drawing Miguel Bautista - rodeo bull rider.

Doodle for Google

Google is sponsoring a contest called "Doodle for Google" where students can create a design for the Google banner.
This year's theme is "What I wish for the world"
Templates, samples, and rules are posted in the library and all submissions are due by March 4. A school winner will be announced the next week.


Congratulations to Andres Ramos, who went undefeated all the way to the championship round at Scrabble-thon on Feb 5, 2011, then was narrowly defeated by the Orange Glen champion. Our team did well, coming in second after Orange Glen. Thanks to team members Jacob Ramirez, Andres Ramos, Alejandro Mendoza, and Liana Wilbur.

Scrabble-thon 2011

Scrabble-thon 2011 will be February 5, 2011. If you are interested in being on the team, contact Mrs. Brett in the Library.

Just for fun!

Here is a website you can try if you just finished reading a book and want to find something similar. Just type in the name of the book and the name of the author and see what happens.


Scrabble Club

If you love to play Scrabble, or you are interested in learning how, come to the Scrabble Club. Official meeting time is on Thursdays from 3:00 - 5:00 in the Library, with a snack provided at 4:15 from Knight Zone. For those of you who have sports or other activities, we will have games out on Tuesday morning late start days. That gives you a good hour or so for a game. See Mrs. Brett if you need a two-letter word list or want to challenge her to a match.

New Database!

We are now using a new database from EBSCOhost
Go to the "Databases" page to log in.

This new database allows students to access a variety of resources, including; print periodicals, full-text journals, newspapers, biographies, primary source documents, essays, encyclopedias, almanacs, reference books, pamphlets, photos, maps, flags, film, and video.

The Literary Reference Center is a comprehensive collection containing full-text for nearly 140,000 author biographies, 27,500 plot summaries, synopses, literary criticism essays, periodicals, book reviews, short stories, and poems. The Points of View Reference Center provides students with a comprehensive representation of both sides of an issue through essays and magazine articles.

The History Reference Center includes cover-to-cover text for more than 130 history periodicals, 61,100 historical documents, and 66,000 biographies of historical figures. It also allows access to 83 hours of streaming video content.

The Science Reference Center also contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, books, and other sources.

Scrabble-thon 2009

Congratulations to the SMHS students who participated in the Escondido Literacy Services 5th Annual Scrabble-thon fundraiser, February 5, 2009. Ben Ramirez did an awesome job, on top of the winners bracket all the way through until the final matchup with the winner of the losers bracket. A young man from Orange Glen High School ended up winning this match and helped Orange Glen become the team champs. In an unprecedented event, Ben and a young man from Escondido High used up every tile in a record 18 minutes of a 20 minute round, scoring an abundance of points for SMHS.

Congratulations to Mrs. Brett's team, who took second place in the adult division. (l-r) Beth Oyen, Julie Lopez, Yvonne Brett, Melissa Mahan.

See the Escondido Literacy Center's website for more information on how you can support literacy. http://www.ci.escondido.ca.us/library/literacy/index.htm

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Students may now log into their Destiny accounts

Under OPAC/Catalog click into San Marcos High School. Log in using the small login button in the top right corner.

Students may put books on hold, view overdue items, and print out a list of books and fines on their account. Books and websites can be saved on a list and with one click a citation page can be created. Ask anyone on the library staff for a demonstration of this feature.


New Service from San Diego County Library

Free Homework Help Online!

Connect with a live tutor for 1-on-1 homework help & California state standards-based skills building.

Type in your library card barcode and it's free!

Use it at school!

Use it at home!

Available 1-10 PM seven days a week.

Tutoring sessions in Spanish or English.

Adult learners are welcome.

24-hr. writing lab—lets you get feedback fast!

Subject Areas:

Math (including Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus)

Science (including Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

English and Essay Writing

Social Studies

Reading (including comprehension, grammar and vocabulary)

Help Now! is funded by the California Library Services and Technology Act

Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.